SAPIP Grievance Redress Mechanism
Grievance Focal Points
Project Management Unit (PMU) Sr. Augusto Soares Barreto
Project Implementation Units (PIU) |
1. PIU Lautem Sr. Edmundo da Costa Mobile: +67077546405
Sra. Simonia Sanches Project Officer-Lautem Contact details: GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Barikafa : Sr. Gaspar Xavier Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Serelau: Sra.Izaura dos Santos Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Lakawa: Sr.Joaquim Preto Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Luro:Sr.Afredo de Oliveira Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Daudere: Sr.Mario da Costa Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Afabubu: Sr.Sebastiao da Costa Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Wairoke: Sr. Norberto Gama Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Maina II: Sr.Armindo dos Santos
2. PIU - Ainaro Sr. Lucio Romeu Ribeirro
Sr.Jorge Manuel P.soares Project Officer-Ainaro Contact details:
GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Mau Nuno : Sr.Orlando da Costa Verdial Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Manutasi : Sra.Eufrasia da C. do Carmo Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Mau Ulo: Sr.Manuel Gonzaga Magno Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Soro: Sra.Luizinha do Carmo Pereira Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Soru Kraik : Sr.Duarte Sarmento Suco Extension Officer (SEO),,Suco Cassa : Sr.Carlos Rego Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Leolima: Sr.Benigno Machado Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Leolima: Sr.Benedito Pires Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Nuno Mogue: Sr.Lourenco de Araujo Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Mau-Chiga : Sra.Domingas Amaral de Deus Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Mulo: Sr.Augusto de Orleans Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Aituto : Sr.Leoneto S.Mota
3. PIU - Covalima Zeferino Amalral Guterres
4. PIU – Liquica Mario da Silva
Sra.Melita Pinto Sarmento Project Officer-Luquica Contact details: GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Leotala :Isac dos Santos Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Gugleur:Sr.Adelino dos Santos Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Lisadilla:Sr.Valentim de Fatima Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Guico:Sr.Lourenco da Silva
5. PIU – Bobonaro Director Servicos Agricultura Municipio Covalima Telefone : +6707754 6410
Sr. Manuel da Costa Project Officer-Bobonaro Contact details: GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco 2(Purugua,Meligo) : Sr.Placido dos Santos Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Ritabou : Sr.Casimiro Lopes: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Balibo: Sra.Leopoldina M.Los Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Leolima: Sr.Jacinto Pereira Suco Extension Officer (SEO), Suco Manapa: Sr.Joaquim Sequeira
6. PIU – Ermera Sr.Jose de Deus Telefone : 7754 6410 Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Sra.Ines Salsinha Trindade Project Officer-ermera Contact details: GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Asulau : Sr.Augusto Martins Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Ailelo : Sr.Leandro Alves Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Samara: Sr.Armindo Maun Cura Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Leimea Kraik: Sr.Julio Correia Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Laubono: Sr.Ermelindo de Jesus
7.PIU – Oecusse Sra.Elmita Edaltina
Sr.Agustinho Noronha Project Officer-Oecusse Contact details: GRM contact at Suco Level: Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Malelat: Sr.Lourenco C.Lafu Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Naimeco: Sra.Domingas Quebo Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Naimeco: Sr.Antonio da Cunha Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Usi Tacae :Sra.Elsa de Jesus Maia Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco USi Taqueno: Sr.Domingus Ulan Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco USi Taqueno: Sr.Jorge Lafu Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Bobometo : Sr.Batista Obe Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Bobometo : Sr.Jose Sousa Elo Suco Extension Officer (SEO),Suco Bobometo : Sr.Tofas Neno |
The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is an integral project management element that intends to seek feedback from beneficiaries and resolve complaints on project activities and performance. The Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) GRM will ensure that: (i) the public within the project influence are aware of their rights to access the GRM that is free of administrative and legal charges; (ii) that these rights and interests, especially those of beneficiaries and/or affected persons, are protected from poor project performance; and (iii) concerns arising from poor project performance in all phases are effectively addressed in a timely manner.
The GRM will operate at all levels of the organizational hierarchy of the project, with entry points at the Suco, the municipality’s Project Implementation Unit (PIU), the Watershed Management Council (WSMC) and the Project Management Unit (PMU). The GRM will also apply to all subprojects and related subproject activities that are implemented under these organizations’ auspices.
1.1. Access and Training
The PMU and PIUs will make the public aware of the GRM through public awareness campaigns, training and capacity building. The GRM and the Grievance Report Form (Annex 1) will be translated to Tetum and to local dialects of the sucos. Any person who has feedback or complaints regarding the performance or activities of the project and its subprojects during pre-implementation, implementation and operation phases shall have access to the GRM. Where the grievance is expressed as confidential, it shall be treated accordingly as per MAF and WB policies.
Contact details (Annex 2) in support of the mechanism will be publicly disclosed and posted in the offices of concerned communities and in strategic places of the project’s area of influence. These will also be incorporated in SAPIP information materials, such as project brochures, flyers and posters.
Local communities and other interested stakeholders may also raise a grievance at any time to the MAF or the World Bank’s Grievance Redress Service or Inspection Panel ( / However, the SAPIP GRM does not deal with grievances relating to internal communication or disputes between the project team, other agencies and intra/inter-community conflicts that are not project-related.
1.2. Grievance Focal Points
Grievance Focal Points (GFPs) will be nominated at each level of the SAPIP organization (see Figure 1). Individuals wishing to query and provide feedback and/or complain about any aspect of the SAPIP activities may do so through any of these Grievance Focal Points.
The functions of the GFP for each level are to:
- Keep a registry of grievances received;
- Screen grievances to determine validity of concerns;
- Initiate resolution process through meetings with concerned parties;
- Mediate between complainant(s) and respondent(s);
- Refer issues to concerned personnel for technical advice;
- Organize team for validation of concerns as necessary;
- Refer issues that cannot be resolved to the next level of responsibility in the GRM;
- Offer decision on mitigation measure to the complainant/aggrieved party and seek his/her consent to implement such mitigation measure;
- Facilitate the implementation of the mitigation measure where appropriate;
- Ensure the documentation of the grievance resolution process; and
- For the PMU GFP, log all grievance information into the Grievance Database.
The GFPs will receive appropriate training to be organized by the PMU to enable them to fulfil the above duties.
1.3. Grievance Registry
Each GFP will be required to maintain a Grievance Registry for all the grievances and feedback collated from the submitted Grievance Report Forms. The GFP at the PIU level will be required to enter information from each Grievance Report Form into an electronic Grievance Registry for sharing with the WSMCs, PMU and the World Bank at regular intervals. The PMU GFP will also log these into a centralized Grievance Database. These data can be used to inform discussions on improving project delivery and will be reported periodically to the World Bank. The GRM process, data and information may be subject to audit and verification.
1.4. Grievance Investigation and Resolution Process
The GRM procedure illustrated in Figure 2 shows the lodgement of a query/feedback/ complaint/grievance and the escalation of an unresolved complaint/grievance through the different levels of the SAPIP organization.
Figure 2. SAPIP Grievance Redress Mechanism
The steps of the GRM procedure are:
Step 1: Beneficiaries, affected persons, affected households or groups of households, or other disaffected persons submit their feedback/query/complaint to the GFP of a relevant SAPIP organization (Suco/PIU/WSMC/PMU). This can be done through:
- Phone call (GFP to fill in the Grievance Report Form);
- Text messaging (GFP to fill in the Grievance Report Form);
- E-mail (GFP to fill in the Grievance Report Form if not used by the complainant);
- Drop box (using the Grievance Report Form); or
- Personal appearance (GFP to fill in the Grievance Report Form).
Note: The concerned parties may or may not provide their name and address depending on their preference, provided that their query/feedback/complaint/grievance can be easily understood for verification, and that they can be informed of a response or resolution. The GFP will then record the query/feedback/complaint/grievance in a Grievance Registry kept at the Suco, PIU, WSMC and PMU. Records at the Suco shall be submitted periodically to the relevant PIU GFP, and the PIU and WSMC records submitted to the PMU GFP for recording into the Grievance Database.
Step 2: The validity of the query, feedback or complaint will be assessed by the GFP. If assessed as not relevant to the project, the GFP will:
- Provide an explanation or education session to the concerned party;
- Have the concerned party sign the Grievance Report Form signifying acceptance of the explanation; and
- Sign the Grievance Report Form and log the information into the Grievance Registry.
Note: Since a query, feedback or complaint may be directed at any level, the GFP shall also verify if the case is rightfully intended for their level. If assessed as not, the GFP shall inform the complainant/aggrieved/concerned party and endorses the complaint/grievance/query to the appropriate level for proper resolution.
Step 3: If the query/complaint/grievance is assessed as valid, within 10 days from the receipt date, the GFP will:
- Organize a meeting with the relevant parties to discuss how to resolve the issue and record the meeting minutes; and
- Recommend the decided mitigation measure to the complainant/aggrieved party.
Step 4: If the complainant/aggrieved party agrees with the mitigation measure, the Suco Chief/GFP or PIU/WSMC/PMU GFP will:
- Implement the mitigation measure;
- Update the Grievance Report Form and have it signed by the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Sign the Grievance Report Form and log the updated information of the grievance into the Grievance Registry; and
- Send copies of relevant documents (eg. completed Grievance Report Form, mitigation measure, minutes of the meetings, if appropriate) to the concerned parties and the PMU.
Note: In the case of anonymous complaints, confirmation that the case has been resolved will be communicated through the provided contact information. The complainant will be asked to confirm agreement on the resolution via text message or email.
In the event of an escalation of an unresolved complaint/grievance especially from the Sucos, the following steps shall be followed:
Step 5: If no understanding or amicable solution is reached for a Suco level complaint/grievance, the Suco Chief/GFP will forward the complaint/grievance to the relevant PIU GFP; or if no response is received from the concerned Suco within 10 days after the registration of the complaint, the complainant/aggrieved party can appeal directly to the relevant PIU GFP. The PIU GFP, within 10 days of receiving the complaint/grievance, will:
- Organize a meeting with the relevant parties to discuss how to resolve the issue and record the meeting minutes; and
- Recommend the decided mitigation measure to the complainant/aggrieved party.
Step 6: If the complainant agrees with the mitigation measure, the PIU GFP will:
- Implement the mitigation measure;
- Update the Grievance Report Form and have it signed by the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Sign the Grievance Report Form and log the updated information of the grievance into the Grievance Registry; and
- Send copies of relevant documents (eg. completed Grievance Report Form, mitigation measure, minutes of the meetings, if appropriate) to the concerned parties and the PMU.
Step 7: If no understanding or amicable solution is reached, the PIU GFP will forward the complaint/grievance to the relevant WSMC GFP; or if no response is received from the relevant PIU within 10 days after the registration of complaint/grievance, the complainant/aggrieved party can appeal to the relevant WSMC GFP. The WSMC GFP will:
- Organize meeting(s) within 10 days of being contacted by the concerned parties to discuss how to resolve the issue;
- Recommend the decided mitigation measure to the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Implement the mitigation measure;
- Update the Grievance Report Form and have it signed by the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Sign the Grievance Report Form and log the updated information of the grievance into the Grievance Registry; and
- Send copies of relevant documents (eg. completed Grievance Report Form, mitigation measure, minutes of the meetings, if appropriate) to the concerned parties and the PMU.
Note: The grievance must be resolved at the WSMC level to avoid further escalation to the PMU (Step 8), unless necessary.
Step 8: If the PMU needs to address and close out a complaint/grievance, the PMU GFP will:
- Check that the required GRM actions have been followed, that the complaint/grievance handling or dispute resolution process has been in accordance with MAF’s and WB policies, and that a fair decision has been made at the relevant WSMC;
- Organize meeting(s) within 10 days of being contacted by the concerned parties to discuss how to resolve the issue, if not previously conducted;
- Recommend the final decision on the mitigation measure to the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Implement the agreed mitigation measure;
- Update the Grievance Report Form and have it signed by the complainant/aggrieved party;
- Sign the Grievance Report Form and log the updated information of the grievance into the Grievance Registry; and
Send copies of relevant documents (eg. completed Grievance Report Form, mitigation measure, minutes of the meetings, if appropriate) to the concerned parties.